Spirata Season is around the corner !! (including 2 deckbuilds)

Spirata Season starts 1st October and the next narrative event begins; Fairies Vs Pixies! Who will win? Who are you fighting for?

And all I can say is..... I hope that they call it SPIRATA AUTUMN and not Spirata fall !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Fall is an American term and as a great English game it would be gut wrenching if we don't use Autumn! I must admit fall does 'fall' of the tongue easier, but still this is my current worry 😅

Either way though this is will be a great season as it is a very strong, fun and popular realm.

The fight for Flutterby is on! And it is really hard to decide who to side with.

In the lore I feel like chroma should win as a loss will really put a big drain across all the realms (although maybe the evil in you likes that). However, both factions have super great cards to play. 

I always play both sides, I did lean much more on the chroma side for Draco's season. So recently I have been focusing more on Achrom builds to try even that out. 

So, I officially am saying that I may fight for the pixies, although there is a strong  likelihood of me playing both sides still. 

Here are both of my Spirata decks shown and explained; Achrom breach with pixies vs Copper Joss and her painters.

Achrom Breach deck was featured in Eccho7's blog here. I have made the changes that I said I would which is written in echo's article. But I have also added Throne Room.

Originally Breach was the only location, so through the help of skeleton keys I would definitely be able to play it.

But throne room is so strong, especially vs chroma decks as you can completely stop their cards resolving if played right.

So, obviously you want as many Achrom cards out, with their own drains and steals, all to make achrom breach's drain stronger. 

Best way to play it is use Achrom breach ability first to draw, and then your 1st stage you can trade or draw extra card if need. 

Full palettes are maybe even more essential with Achrom games for shard management. and there's plenty of cards here to use as trade fodder that can still be functional, such as advanced search party and even giant prism if desperate. 

Copper Joss builds are very common and this is my version.

Joss is amazing, with any other card on the canvas she gives you +6 every turn. True Ray on his own gets your +5 and is only 1 to play, but he can be destroyed by cards like drain the woods and claw slash that Joss cant. They both cant be attacked but are equally as vulnerable to role reversal, claim or restrain. 

So I went with Copper on this (plus I love her alt art). Jamshid orb can add extra protection against fireballs ect. Cintamani stone can get her back or reuse a full palette. 

There are also two Lab coats, to be able to get a turn 1 win (link here where I talk about this) or to shut down an Achrom resolve for a turn. 

Lab coats are best to play when Blueprint swirl is on the canvas, so that the location gets a full +6 resolve each turn. 

Of course, get multiple painters out for squad leaders to splat more. Wincy is all-round amazing, always great resolve and an extra draw card when played. 

Pixie prison is a great card too, almost pays for itself, erasing a character is a great bonus but the ability to potentially erase multiple pixies is too hard to resit. Imagine they have like five out (with objects on them) that just all get wiped out!! 

Bounce is a great way to prevent attacks and resolves of a card for a turn all whilst erasing any objects or other cards protections that are attached to them. 

I really enjoy playing with both of these decks and seeing what other people create using this realm. 

If you don't own Spirata cards yet you can purchase from shop.achroma.cards and use my 10% discount code 'playingachroma'



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