Dexter master of CREATURES palette build


Going with the classic Dexter and Materno protection shield but changing dragons for creatures. 

Maternos egg now only reveals Materno and not other low shard dragons that often went into Dexter decks. 

I also put Impundulu feather in as it's even better protection than Materno and will even protect the more higher shard rares. 

Creatures also get an extra boost from Slivinee (+X for each creature, including itself). All creatures are such low cost that you can easily flood the canvas them them. 

A few freeze locations, actions and other aggressive actions to battle opponents plans. 

Some card changes can easily be played around with here and changed but I am enjoying this one. 

Rares :
Vast Volitarus can easily win the game itself too so put in there for shard boosts. 

Materno has been explained above. 

Jali and Ursusma are strong characters with strong abilities and can be trade fodder at the very least.

For my YouTube video all about Dexter, master of dragons click here 


And remember I have a 10% discount code you can use in the Achroma website : just type 'playingachroma' into the discount code box.


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