Spirata Fall (with Palette updates)

Spirata Fall is here! And Instead of ranting that it's called fall and not Autumn , I will just leave this little passive Intro and carry on with it.... 

Who will you fight for chroma or achrom ? what will be the fate of flutterby ? 

For incentives to align with chroma or achrom Lewis & Echo have each made competitions for the chance to win a palette.

Click on who you want to fight for to see their incentives: Chroma Vs Achrom 

Achroma tools also have a working leaderboard to check where you are: link here 

I still do not know who to fight for! But as stated before in my previous Spirata Season Article  I might tilt more of the Achrom side. Especially as my wife is full fledged Chroma, to make the dynamic interesting. (Although il probably still play both sides a little) 

I have updated both spirata Palettes that I showed in the previous article.

Achrom breach is once again the only location is in the palette. So, deploying skeleton key will definitely put Breach in your hand. 

I changed throne room to Achrom converter, another black shard on the canvas and with its own powerful ability for destruction.

Still lots of pixies and Achrom creatures.
I have also added more high shard cards, either to trade for shard management or to play for agressive moves; 2 Haims shards, cutting cocoons. Advanced scouting party is also trade fodder, only use if desperate.

Get breach out, use it's ability at beginning of turn to draw and then can still trade first to have enough shards to deploy powerful cards. 

Flood canvas with Achrom so breach and peorth can go for mass drain! 

Painter deck is almost the same, copper Joss leading her painters towards chroma wins quickly. 

I added more high shard cards for big trades but also to be more offensive when needed; giant prism is particular can board wipe an Achrom breach palette and send them back into the stone ages. 


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